MSBSD Offers Online Payment for our community through
SchoolPay is a payment service that allows community members to pay for items online at your convenience. With SchoolPay, there is no need for cash, or sending money with students. Pay online from anywhere, at anytime, on any device via Visa, MasterCard, Discover (or electronic check).
If you are a parent please access SchoolPay here:
- Click on item to open it in SchoolPay
- Choose the desired payment item by clicking “Add to Cart”
- Complete form fields if applicable, pay online
- Print a receipt for your records (a receipt will also be emailed if an email address is given during checkout)
- Unless otherwise specified, merchandise purchased is not shipped. Bring your printed receipt to the school’s front desk to pick up merchandise.
Note: You are not required to store payment information to make payment, but it does make it convenient if you will be making multiple payments throughout the year. SchoolPay is PCI-DSS certified (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).
If you have any questions we are happy to help at: P: 888.88.MYPAY (69729) | E: | SchoolPay offers live English and Spanish-speaking operators from 7 am to 7 pm Central Time, Mon-Fri. After hours and weekend support is available via email at